After a season-long absence that saw GG take its agonizingly long winter hiatus, I'm finally back on my narcissism beat on this blog thing.
It is said that the key to successful blogging, somewhere on the hierarchy near incessant cyber-d*ck-riding and insanely prolific output, is the adoption of a consistent, targeted theme. Hence, why most users--like me--who are still using this thing like a glorified LiveJournal, typing away the inanities of our daily go-abouts, recording our breakfast cereal of choice and fleeting moment of profound shame at passing a paraplegic bag lady on the street, will never have much of a followship to speak of.
But that's okay.
Not every day has to be a groundbreaker. Not every post has to be a masterpiece. In the end, Kanye West was the same guy when he was folding pants at the Gap as the guy selling 2 million records. What happens in between is experience, learning, and practice. A lot of practice.
So, until I start watching sufficiently style-conscious movies and resurrect the Film Fashions columns, here's a massive outfit dump of stuff I wore these past few months.
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