Exhibit 1: Diesel promo for helmets. Includes a very un-PC moment that may surprise American viewers a bit -- then again, considering that Diesel's print ads feature anything from a bald fat guy licking a model's sneakered foot to a mostly-naked dude with a stuffed kitten in his briefs, an idea like this isn't so much of a stretch.
Also, because I can't seem to stop listening to "Baby By Me" -- only for the synth sounds in the background, mind you -- here's Fiddy teaming up with Steve Nash in a pretty funny Vitamin Water promo.
More hip-hop fun:
No Homer: 10 Hip-Hop and Rap Icons Simpsonized
See how many you manage to recognize -- without cheating by checking the picture file name.
Productive day today -- civil service exam, license renewed, and a few more extra hours in the afternoon to enjoy away from work. Kinda like a 2.25-day weekend, hah.
I'll close with this for the haters -- say what you will about his filter (or, lack thereof), but no matter how much he stunts, there's no denying that he puts in work.

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