It seems to be some unspoken law in London that every man had a form-fitting three-quarters coat like the gentleman in the foreground. Also note the khaki jacket + yellow bag in the back. Hey, it works.
Ooh, so a statement of purpose is appropriate: Yes, you shall find the typical random thoughts aplenty. However, I shall also [hopefully] be documenting the good everyday people of Berkeley/whereever else I happen to be who have a unique fashion sense...with a trusty Sony Cybershot. Hey, don't hate just because I don't have D-SLR. So in other words, don't be too freaked out if a good-looking stranger asks to take a snapshot.
And yes, I would more than happy to Photoshop out your acne scars.
P.S. This layout, fyi, really reminds me of Entourage.
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